Monday, May 6, 2019

Tanran Reiki Symbol Attunement Meditation One

 Tanran Symbol
Dai Ko Myo:
Double Star Tetrahedron version
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Dai Ko Myo:

Multi-Dimensional Sri Yantra AUM version


Offering another healing meditation and attunement from the Tanran Reiki tradition that I am the vision holder of. I am being guided to share this symbol more openly so that those who feel inspired to and called to join purpose with this healing stream of energy can join, and as we give so we receive. If we become like pipes that pour water into a desert, then we are never dry, and if the ocean wishes to flood the desert with waters of renewal, then it will happily and willingly pour water through us, who have made ourselves available to this current. Note2:

Right as you are reading these words, if you so choose, feel that you are visualizing the Tanran Reiki symbol six inches above the soft spot at the top of your head, and then feel the symbol sink down into the center of your chest, where the thymus gland is, and rest there. Ask the Reiki Guides to bless and energize this symbol for your use. Feel the promise that these guides will gently work through you using the symbol as an anchor into our world and your own personal world.
If you feel inspired to, you can ask the Reiki Guides to make this implanting of the symbol permanent, and then it will be an attunement ritual for you. This is not required, if you only want to make this a meditation, then you are welcome to just experience the energies flowing through you, healing you gently, and then pouring out into our world.

If you choose to make this permanent, then you will feel your energy body and your physical body going through changes, restructuring itself and rewiring itself, so that it will be able to conduct more energy through you. The energy of Universal Unconditional Love, with its deep Primal Wish to heal all sentient beings immediately and instantly to the degree that all freely allow this process to happen and to the speed that each person is comfortable with, will gently upgrade your energy system in stages, to the degree that you openly, willingly, and peacefully allow.

The training that is given with the attunements is about how to cooperate with an energy that wishes to deeply cooperate with you, for the healing of your life, your relationships, and your world. This Primal Energy did birth the cosmos and regulates it as best it can, given its allowance of free will sentient beings to do whatever they wish. It was created in deep trust that every sentient being would create a line of experiences and lessons for he or she to go through, learn from them, and then evolve into loving, wise, and creative beings, cosmic adults, fully enlightened and with a fully activated body of light. Note3:

After the Tanran Symbol is implanted in the Heart Region of your chest, then visualizing the Double Star Tetrahedron version of Dai Ko Myo floating six inches above the soft spot at the top of the head. Feeling the "Great Energy Light" of Universal Unconditional Love resting there, floating above you, about 9 inches in diameter. Asking the Reiki Guides to bless and energize this symbol, and to allow this symbol to serve as a conduit of energy for you. Because these beings, the Reiki Guides, are light beings who have long ago completed their evolution into light body, they are beings of great compassion, great empathy, and infinite creative energy. They will always respond to a sincere call for help and immediately connect with you.

It is highly likely that you will feel tingling sensations in your body as a sign of their pouring Universal Unconditionally Loving Energy into you, through the channels that are opening up. Or you may feel warm currents of energy start to fill you and flow inside of you. Or you may feel as if the room that you are in has brightened with energy a little. Or you may just feel a little more peaceful and calm. Or you may just not feel anything definite enough to be easily noticed. The energy cannot force you to feel anything and does not try to prove itself to anyone, it simply acts. If you remain in trust of this process and choose to keep opening up, you will feel more and more. Our own ability to feel will be healed in this process. Our heart will wake up to this energy in stages that are right for each of us. If it were faster and more miraculous, then it might make some people freak out, like the prophets mentioned mentioned in the Torah and other writings, where humans, encountering angelic beings of light, sometimes fall down on their faces, or suddenly feel very impure, as everything unloving is illuminated and cleansed from us.

To the degree that you are able to, just trust and allow this process to happen. I am "bridging" their energy, adding these words to what they are wishing to do, like an ambassador who is mediating a relationship so that everything works well, and being a bridge because I am part of both their world and ours.Note4:

As you inhale deeply, feel you are drawing the energy into the soft spot at the top of head, visualizing and feeling a beam of light pouring down into the soft spot and flowing into the brain, relaxing, energizing, and healing the brain, then pouring down into the throat, relaxing, energizing, and healing the throat, and then into the heart region, relaxing, energizing, and healing the heart, and then flowing out into the world, relaxing, healing, and energizing the world.

The Master Jesus once said, "Let your light shine before sentient beings that they may experience this wholesome action, and feel the energy of glory, radiance, and wonder fill them, so that they may join in this sacred energy and feel thankful to the Source of All Life. (I am translating this verse a little differently than usual, to highlight certain meanings that are not always clear, as in Hebrew, the word "glory" is the radiance of light energy that accompanies a divine display in our world, when we "glorify g-d", it means that this radiance fills us and overflows back to Source as gratitude, "wholesome action" is a Buddhist way of naming "good works")."


You can deepen your involvement in this energy flow by stretching your arms to the sides as wide open as you can, then inhaling upwards into palms together above the head, then bringing the palm together hands down the middle to the heart region, while intoning the "Ah" sound, and then opening the arms wide, visualizing and feeling yourself releasing the energy that descended into the heart outward in all directions, unconditionally, and without reservation, and then inhaling with hands moving upwards again.

You are visualizing the energy flow down from Dai Ko Myo into your Tanran Symbol in your heart region, and then radiating outwards into our world.

The spine is the "axis of eternity" and the arms moving outwards is the "axis of time". We draw energy from the eternity of love into the dramas of space, time, and form. We loving accept what is happening in our world and radiate healing energy into this world that so much needs this love. We trust love to heal all this that we see. We have learned, too, that only love heals, that political power struggle is a tug of war that gets nowhere, that military violence only creates more wounds to heal, that intense arguments are a kind of mental brutality that is worth ending as soon as possible, and, as we disengage from these chain reactions of suffering, with everyone reacting to everyone, and everyone reacting to reactions of reactions, we become as pillars conducting energy from the axis of eternity into the axis of time.


This is attunement embodies the inner activity hidden within the first sermon of the Buddha, when he started turning the "great wheel of the Dharma" in our world and said:

"Hatred never ended hatred,
Only love ends hatred,
this is the Dharma,
ancient and inexaustible."

This is also at the heart of the Sermon on the Mount of the Master Jesus when he said these words:

"Do not condemn, Love your enemies, Bless those who curse you, Pray for those who persecute you, Walk the second mile, Give more than is asked for, Forgive everyone because they are in unconscious ignorance (of their own true nature which is love itself), let your light (of unconditional love) upon everyone you meet, each and every day of your life, that you may becomes sons and daughters of your Cosmic Parent and awaken to this divine nature as your primal identity. (Again, I am translating a little differently to highlight some hidden meanings within the verses)."


If you are ready, then ask your own subconscious mind-heart to sustain this attunement and activity within you, with these words:

"May this attunement and meditation, may the flow that has been activated in me, become a habit of loving in my life."

So shall it be. Namaste. The attunement and meditation is complete.


I would like for you to feel these thoughts and see what they could mean for you:

"This radiance of love into our world is the activism that truly matters.

Concerning ordinary activism, I will cast my vote for someone who represents something healing and constructive to do with this world.

I will let go of any attachment to results and let the past actions do whatever they can do, being like ripples in a pond, and focus on concentrating on each present moment and loving what is arising.

I will speak my truth about what I feel is going on, but engage no one in an argument or try to convince them that I am right.

I will make all my words kind, honest, accurate, constructive, relevant, concise, and clear, speaking only when it is an improvement on silence.

I will deeply and empathically listen to the voices of the world and see in them the hidden or obvious cry for help and for love that is within them, and I will respond always by radiating the light of love to the people whose voices I hear.

I will feel them in my consciousness and in the unity of light, realizing that everyone is only a thought away, and on some level that is real to all of us we can hear each other speaking with our hearts and our minds, and that only those thoughts sent on a carrier wave of love are worth sharing and that only those thoughts send on a carrier wave of love have wisdom within them and not merely knowledge, and only these thoughts have any power to heal.

I choose to see this world as a dream in consciousness that our unity is creating together and visualize and dream the radiance of love to enter into the dreamtime dramas that are happening in this shared collective consciousness space.

I choose to be an agent of healing in this world and quietly through example and presence be a teacher of how to love and heal this world within this dream.

Whatever the form of the problems that are appearing in this living dream, I will stay with the solution and radiate love always into this world, trusting that this action will always bear fruit.

I will serve this world with non-reactive patience, sustained loving energy, gentle care, wise action, and peaceful skill, always centered in a unified field of unconditional love and light that permeates all of space, time, and form, and feel this loving energy is my home, my being, and my life."

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