1. I would like for all of you to lie down. I would like for you to scan your body and let your spine feel like it is straight or as straight as it can be without trying to force this. Have your palms face upward and your feet pointing outward. And then to focus on breathing. Expanding the belly with each inhale and relaxing the belly with each exhale. As you are doing this, to gently scan the body for any tension and invite it to let go. There is not need to try to let go, just to invite the body to relax and to trust the body to let go in its own and in its own way. Continuing to breath this way for about 20 breaths.
2. Next I would like to focus on your heartbeat and to feel the exact place where the heart beat is being made. And to visualize and feel that there is a radiant point of light at this place. And I would like for you to feel yourself as this point of light. And to feel this place as the throne of the heart, where you are spiritual self is resting upon.
3. And then to softly repeat these thought intention affirmations, without trying to believe or disbelieve them, but to just feel what they could mean for you:
I am a radiant point of light in an ocean of love.
I am a radiant point of light in an ocean of love.
I am a radiant point of light in an ocean of love.
I am a radiant point of love in an ocean of light.
I am a radiant point of love in an ocean of light.
I am a radiant point of love in an ocean of light.
4. I would like for you to gather the felt sense of these thought intention affirmation and to just feel their meaning and feel yourself as this point of light and love.
5. And if you find some voice inside yourself, telling you that you are not loving or not luminous, notice this voice, thank it for sharing its opinion, and then sharing back to this voice, saying, "Thank you for sharing, here and now, I am choosing to feel myself within the light and love, the ocean of consciousness, that gave birth to me, and to feel myself, once again, as part of this ocean. I have nothing to lose by feeling myself this way again. And if I have been unloving in the past, in my body, in my actions the world, it is because I have forgotten my noble birth in this ocean of light and love. And I am choosing to return to this feeling again and feel at home this ocean of light and love."
6. I would like for you now to feel that light and love that surrounds you and welcomes you home, and to rest in this place. And noticing your exhale, getting softer and softer, as you relax back into your home.
7. Then I would like for you to move your radiant, that you are, into the central channel of the spine, and moving your radiant by gently conscious thought intention, simply and gently willing this point to move there.
8. Once you have done this, then gently intend to move out the crown chakra, the soft spot at the top of the head, and feel that you moving into this ocean of light and love, and feeling this place without any hindrance from the body.
9. Then I would like to go 6 feet above your body and look down upon it. And would like for to feel what is called "dual consciousness". You can feel yourself inside your body, hearing these words, and you can feel outside your body, looking at your body.
10. I would like for you to shuttle back and forth, between "body consciousness" and being this radiant point of light. Moving gently back and forth, with no hurry, feeling your mobility of consciousness moving between different perspectives, and even able to do be in both at the same time.
11. Next I would like for you to lift even higher above your body, moving through the ceiling and even the roof, seeing the roof from above, seeing the roof shrink smaller and smaller as you go higher, noticing even the cities and towns looking smaller and smaller, as you to outer space, seeing the Earth from the perspective of an astronaut.
12. Next to turn the attention of the radiant point that you are away from the Earth and towards outer space, and then to hold the thought intention, "I wish to go to the Cosmic Cathedral", and to entrust this thought intention into the Ocean of light and love that you always live in, and to trust this Ocean to bring to this Cathedral.
13. You are noticing the stars moving rapidly on either side of you as you move past them in what Star Trek called "warp drive", moving faster than the speed of light, moving by conscious thought intention and universal love.
14. You notice an asteroid with a Cathedral on top of it. The Cathedral is silvery blue in radiance, almost bright white, but with a silvery blue tint.
15. By conscious thought intention, you move to the very big doors of the front entrance of the Temple. And again, by conscious thought intention, you gently intend for the doors to open, you trust the Ocean of light and love to open it for you, and feel them open. These doors do not open in any other way. It is our natural relationship with this living Ocean of light and love to gives what we wish, when we have become love and light again.
16. Inside the Cathedral are statues of all the enlightened of the past, carved into the walls and into the ceiling domes. You are noticing and feeling their vibration.
17. I would like for you to choose one these statues and to move towards it. Notice how this statue looks and feel the energies of the being radiating through the statue, and then gently ask the being to come forward and meet you. Feel the statue come to life to meet you. Ask the being for his or her name, and notice what kind of answer you get. Sometimes the name is not in words. It can be in a picture or even a feeling or even a facial expression. Whatever you get will enough. Some beings, too, have not felt the need to have a name.
18. I would like for to ask the being when did it become enlightened, what did learn to become enlightened. And again, notice the answer you get. It may be in words or pictures or a deep feeling. And when you have gotten, thank the being for the answer.
19. And then ask the being for any teaching that might help you, and, again, notice the answer you get, and then thank the being for this.
20. I would like for you now to gently say, "Good bye," to this being, and to bow with folded hands, emanating this gesture out of your radiant point, and taking on the form of the light body, that looks your physical, only more radiant and renewed.
21. And to move into the second chamber, where there statues of all the enlightened beings who are waking up now. And gently bow to these beings and wish them well in their awakening process, as you move to the third chamber of the Cathedral, and notice all the sentient beings that will become will in the future, moving through the door through gently conscious thought intention.
22. In this chamber, I would like for you to find the statue of yourself and notice how you look when you are enlightened. And then ask the being, who is your future self, to come forward and meet you, seeing the statue come to life in front of you.
23. And then to ask this being when and how he or she became enlightened, and what was learned that allowed the shift to happen, and then open, listen, and feel the answer you get. And again, it could be in words, a feeling, or a picture.
24. When you get the answer, bow down in gratitude and thank your future self for what you received.
25. Then I would like for you to feel yourself merge with your future self, so that your present self and future self become a living unity, feeling the two merge together and become one light body. Notice how this feels and continue to breathe.
26. Then with this unity going through the door to the fourth and last chamber of the Cathedral, opening the door once again through gentle conscious thought intention.
27. You see the Reiki Guides sitting in their council seats, lifted a little above you as you stand in front of them. You feel them sending love to you and welcoming you.
28. One of them comes down from the council seats and offers himself or herself to be your personal Reiki Guide and sponsor, to help you through your human journey, when you are back on Earth.
29. This being comes forward and bows in front of you, and says, "It is my intention to give you a Reiki attunement. Do you wish to receive it?"
30. Connecting with your inner freedom and feeling no pressure at all to do anything, you spontaneously and fearlessly say, "Yes."
31. The Guide then, while focusing the energy that all the Guides are sending to you, visualizes the symbols in radiant colors, and sends each one of them into your Crown Chakra of your light body, and then moves telepathically and telekinetically to the right place in your chakras.
32. The Guides are chanting each symbol as your personal Guide implants them.
33. They are chanting "Raku", and placing the symbol at the sacrum.
34. Then they are chanting "Sei He Ki", and placing the symbol at the belly.
35. Then they are chanting "Cho Ku Rei", and placing the symbol at the solar plexus.
36. Then they are chanting "Tanran", and placing the symbol at the heart.
37. Then they are chanting "Zee Gah Nah", and placing the symbol at the throat.
38. Then they are chanting "Hon Sha Zen Sho Nen", and placing the symbol at the 3rd eye.
39. Then they are chanting "Dai Ko Myo", and placing the symbol above the soft spot on top of the head, the Crown Chakra.
40. Then they are visualizing and manifesting a white light bubble of protection for you, affirming that, "Nothing but love can enter this bubble," and then imprinting the bubble with "Doh Ya Noh" to seal its energy and to give extra protection.
41. Then the Reiki Guides bless and energize all the symbols, pouring energy into each of them and all of them.
42. The personal Reiki Guide then bows and says, "It is complete."
43. The Guides come down from their council seats and welcome you, and then point to another door. This one is opened by them, and goes back outer space.
44. You form the conscious thought intention to return to Earth and to your body on Earth.
45. You move through door and go into warp drive, seeing the star flow by you again.
46. You see the Earth getting closer and bigger.
47. You see the cities and towns nearby.
48. You see the roof of the building you were in.
49. You enter the room where your body is.
50. You enter the Crown Chakra.
51. You go down the spine and into the place where the heart beat is, and realign your energies with your body, noticing what happens when you bring the energy back with you and gift it to your body.
52. Counting from 10, returning back to regular body consciousness. 10, 9, 8, feeling your hands and feet, 7, 6, 5, feeling your breathing, 4, 3, 2, and 1, opening your eyes.
53. End of transmission and initiation. Namaste.